Dark Land Light House is a visual and visceral science-fiction for theatre produced by the amazing Bristol-based company Sleepdogs. It’s premiere run took place at Bristol Old Vic in April 2016.
I worked closely with production designer Rosanna Vize to devise how screens could be integrated into the set. One projector was used to create a rear-projected portrait image upstage. Another projected onto the floor of the stage to augment Ben Pacey’s lighting design but was also mapped onto a movable gauze screen that could be positioned downstage. A third projector was used to create light-beam effects through smoke for the final scene.
“It’s theatre at its most demanding, its most uncomfortable, its most evocative, its most primal, its most human, its most complex, and its most brilliant”. 365.bristol.com
Written by Timothy X Atack
Directed by Tanuja Amarasuriya
Projection & Video Design by Rod Maclachlan
Production Design by Rosanna Vize
Lighting Design by Ben Pacey
Production Photography: Paul Blakemore